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 Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP.

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3 participants
Sanglier Noir
Rang: Administrateur
Sanglier Noir

Nombre de messages : 279
Localisation : Région de Waremme
Date d'inscription : 12/07/2005

Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. Empty
MessageSujet: Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP.   Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. EmptySam 16 Juil - 14:13

Voici un article trouvé chez MS, certes en anglais mais les images sont éloquentes, se passeraient de commentaires même.
Au risque de me voir infliger celà, je préfère quand-même partir avec un bon blouson, des gants (d'été), et protections genoux/tibias.
Maintenant chacun est libre de faire ce qu'il veut, justement pour se démarquer du pouvoir (encore un autre débat!!).


Been reading about people not wearing gear because it's too hot - or they are only going for a short ride - or some other BS excuse.

Man - those excuses are syptoms of what we in the medical field call "itwonthappentome-itis" and it is a killer!!!

I'm in the military in a job that deals a lot with medicine (and trauma and door kicking). Couple years back I did a rotation in Seattle's #1 trauma center, Harborview as a ER doctor, treating motorcycle (and many other) injuries. That's where these pictures are from.

I've posted these pics in the past on different forums so if you have seen them before I apologize for being redundant.

This is not meant to gross anyone out, nor is it meant to drive people away from biking. I still love to ride even after working on these patients - I just make sure I wear all the protective gear I can, and try to keep my haed out of my ass when I ride


Sorry that this is a bit rough on the eyes. I've put these pics up in hopes that at least a few riders might make the choice to wear some protective gear instead of zooming around in shorts and t-shirts.

These are some of my patients. The have given me permission to post their pictures. These are not the worst ones (the really bad ones I did not have time to take pictures).

There are no pictures of the riders that did not survive.

Patient #1 - thought it was cool to wear a little beanie type "helmet". Low speed high side. The white you see is skull.

head = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/head1.jpg

head = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/head2.jpg
Multiple layer stitching to close him up. Head CT revealed skull fracture and a small inner brain bleed.

Patient #2 - This gentleman came in pretty scuffed up As the pics show he had a complete, open dislocation of his tib/fib ankle joint after he went skidding along the road. He was stopped by some sort of wall/barrier while still road surfing at high speed -- ouch :insane:

ankle =https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/ankle1.jpg

He was wearing ankle high heavy hiking boots - just like I used to. Got some Prexports now


We reduced his ankle in the ER and then he was off to surgery - Pain pain pain!

Think of these pics when you wonder if the gear is really worth the money.

Patient #3 - TL1000, hit a patch of something in a corner.

Let's start from the head and work our way down....


Good thing he had a helmet -- he probably would have died without it.

Shoulders = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/CameraPicture2.jpg

The patient told me it was a short ride, he was just going over to his buddie's house so he didn't think he needed any gear.

Too bad we couldn't peel him off the sheets to give you a pic of his back - no skin left.

The rest..... His side = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/CameraPicture3.jpg

That dark spot on the shoulder, not dirt, it's roadrash plus burn - I know it doesn't look it but it was some of the worst road rash I have seen.

It just keeps going... His arm = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/CameraPicture4.jpg

He went to the burn unit for cleaning up. You think the accident hurts, wait till you have full body road rash scrubbed out

Patients #4 & 5 - Two brothers, one 18 and the other 16. Riding on the older brother's NEW 2002 R6 (2 days old - his 1st bike ) Lowside at 50-60mph.

Driver's right arm = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/R61.jpg
This is a closeup of the above hand, knuckles are on the right side.

Close up = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/R62.jpg
His elbow = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/R63.jpg

Older brother's elbow = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/R65.jpg

Older brother's arm = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/R64.jpg
And for those of you considering an R6 as a 1st bike, see above.

BTW - As you look at these, let this run through your mind, about an hour and a half per kid to get them scrubbed out - painful even under the influence of those good hospital drugs They had to come back for a few more cleanings, suture removal and skin grafts.

No gloves you say - or just those little calf skin cool gloves - bad idea....

Female passenger on a bagger - bike goes down in a corner (5 minutes into the ride) and her hand is between it and the road - we call this a de-gloving

Bad hand injury = https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/javahed/Medical%20related/motorcycle%20patients/CameraPicture1.jpg

All I say I please consider the dangers involved in our sport. Use your brain when you ride, and please, choose to wear gear.

Like a sig line that I saw here says - "Sweat wipes off, road rash doesn't)


Saty safe and have fun!


Shocked Sanglier Noir.
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Langue sèche

Nombre de messages : 172
Age : 55
Localisation : manage belgique
Date d'inscription : 15/07/2005

Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP.   Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. EmptyDim 17 Juil - 9:58

oui a pas montre apret le repas
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Nombre de messages : 12
Date d'inscription : 14/07/2005

Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP.   Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. EmptyDim 17 Juil - 11:57

affraid affraid

Ames sensibles s'abstenir....

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Y pas que le soleil qui brûle!! L'équipement SVP. Empty
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